
MichiganX: LeadEd501x Leading Ambitious Teaching and Learning

When: Friday, October 13, 2017 08:00 AM-05:00 PM

Bulwagang Filipino, College of Arts and Social Sciences


Course Overview:

The U.S. Embassy in the Philippines launches a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Camp on “Leading Ambitious Teaching and Learning” offered by the University of Michigan edX. This free online course aims to develop change leaders with capabilities to collaborate in thinking, reasoning, and strategizing about the meaning and pursuit of ambitious instruction in classrooms. This includes not only individual leaders but, also, teams of leaders collaborating to improve educational opportunities and outcomes for students, especially those in historically underserved communities.


Course Goals:

By completing the course, participants will be able to:

  • Define ambitious instruction, present a rationale for this kind of instruction, and articulate what such instruction looks like;
  • Articulate and use specific frameworks, practices, and tools that characterize ambitious instruction in literacy and mathematics;
  • Propose specific strategies for using technology to support ambitious instruction, student assessment, and professional learning;
  • Analyze systems that interact both to support and challenge the pursuit of ambitious teaching and learning;
  • Identify specific practices that change leaders can use at the school and systems levels to support ambitious instruction for all students; and
  • Use this MOOC to support the pursuit of ambitious instruction in their own contexts.


To succeed in this MOOC, participants are expected to:

  • Review each component of the modules and to complete the exercises and discussion prompts.
  • Reflect actively on the materials presented and engage in the assigned tasks within each module.
  • Some of the activities will take only a few minutes of reflection and comment or action steps. Others will require more extended engagement.


MOOC Meet-up Schedules:


  • Meet-up 1: October 13, 2017 (Virtual Program)

Introduction to the Course / Micro Masters

Module 1: Ambitious Instruction in Elementary Literacy

In introducing ambitious teaching and learning, we begin at the very foundation of students’ educational experience, literacy instruction. The course provides an opportunity to hear from a former teacher and from an individual who has worked in both government and business about what today’s ambitious literacy instruction looks like.


  • Meet-up 2: (MOOC Camps are given the choice within the days of Oct. 25-27) – (Offline Program)

Module 2: Ambitious Learning with Digital Technology Tools

In this module, we establish foundational ideas, research, and frameworks to help educators think carefully about what ambitious learning should look like when using technology tools.

Module 3: Systems Thinking and Improving at Scale

The third module of leading Ambitious Teaching and Learning will introduce you to systems thinking and improving at scale. The aim is to support you in bringing ambitious instruction, not only to a few selected classrooms, but to entire schools, districts, and networks.


  • Meet-up 3: November 21, 2017 (Virtual Program)

Module 4: Leading Transformative Change

With module four, we will focus more specifically on the interpersonal work of change leaders. And on ways that leaders in schools and systems can empower and encourage more ambitious teaching in schools.


  • VIRTUAL GRADUATION: (December 8)

Course Wrap Up & Badge

The Microsoft Educator Community is a free, personalized hub created for educators to connect and collaborate and continue learning.







Lynrose Jane D. Genon
Department of English
College of Arts and Social Sciences
Mindanao State University- Iligan Institute of Technology
(+63) 915 995 0075

More info:

Course Registration:

  • EDX registration:
  • Join the Facebook Group!

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