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Title theta-somewhat nearly open sets and theta-somewhat nearly continuity
Authors Barquin, Jojade; Asdain, Aldison; Labendia, Mhelmar
Publication date 2024
Journal Poincare Journal of Analysis and Applications
Volume 11
Issue 2
Pages 163-180
Publisher Poincare Publishers
Abstract In this paper, a new class of open set called theta-somewhat nearly-open set is introduced and studied. We then investigate its relation to other well-known types of open sets such as the classical open, theta-open, somewhat-open, and somewhat nearly-open sets in a topological space. Moreover, some characterizations of the notions of theta-somewhat nearly-continuous and strongly theta-somewhat nearly continuous functions from an arbitrary topological space into the product space are obtained.
Index terms / Keywords theta-somewhat nearly-open, theta-somewhat nearly-closed, theta-somewhat nearly-continuous, theta-somewhat nearly-connected, theta-somewhat nearly-Hausdorff
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