
Gelani, Chona D. » Research » Scholarly articles

Title Antiproliferative property of sea fan extracts against colon (HCT 116) and lung (A549) cancer cell lines
Authors Chona Gelani, Kristia Gail Palubon, Chrisma Anna Fe Galvez, Francis Limbag
Conference 67th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research
Abstract The Philippines is endowed with rich marine resources, which, for the most part, is still untapped. In this study, we explored the potential of the bioactive fractions from sea fans with the hope of finding drug candidates for cancer treatment. Sea fan samples were collected from the island of Mindanao. Bioactivity-guided separation of polar and nonpolar extracts were done using colon (HCT116) and lung (A549) mammalian cancer cell lines employing the MTT assay. Chromatographic separation afforded a nonpolar (hexane) fraction Ellisella sp.which exhibited a percent cell viability of 30.1 脗卤 0.1 at 30 mcg/mL against HCT116. Its IC50 was calculated to be 31 mcg/mL. Semi-purification of this extract is ongoing. Other sea fan polar and nonpolar extracts showed noncytotoxic to mildly cytotoxic activities against both colon and lung cancer cell lines. The antibacterial property of these extracts was also determined.
Index terms / Keywords sea fans, antiproliferative property, cancer cell lines
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