
Warguez, Dennis A. » Research » Scholarly articles

Title Leech parasitism on the Mindanao foot flagging frog Staurois natator (Gaunther, 1858) on Mindanao Island, Philippines
Authors Erl Pfian T Maglangit, Russell Evan L Venturina, Andree Louis E Caguimbal, Dennis A Warguez, Mae Lowe L Diesmos, Arvin C Diesmos
Publication date 2020
Journal Herpetology Notes
Volume 13
Pages 313-316
Publisher Societas Europaea Herpetologica
Abstract During herpetofaunal surveys in the Mt. Hamiguitan Range Wildlife Sanctuary (MHRWS), Municipality of San Isidro, Davao Oriental Province, Mindanao Island on 11-17 July 2018 and 17-24 April 2019, we observed a total of 31 Staurois natator, 12 individuals of these were infested with leeches (approximately 38.7% of the population were parasitized). All infested frogs were observed on shrubs and ferns in Pamugtoan River, 650 masl within a disturbed secondary lower montane forest. Stream width ranged from four to eight meters and the dominant mesohabitat was riffle. The stream was characterized by big boulders and rugged terrain. Two to three leeches were observed occupying the medial and dorsolateral portion of the frogs. Voucher specimens of parasitized frogs (SVL range = 33.3 - 34.1) were collected and preserved (fixed in 10% buffered formalin and subsequently transferred to 70% ethanol) following the standard preservation protocol and deposited in the Philippine National Museum of Natural History (accession numbers: PNM 11540-11543).
Index terms / Keywords Frog, leech, parasitism, Mt. Hamiguitan Range Wildlife Sanctuary
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