
Ortega, Carmela D. » Research » Scholarly articles

Title Knowledge, Attitude and Practices on Universal Precautions of Staff Nurses and Midwives in the Delivery Room
Authors Ortega, Carmela
Publication date 2015/1/1
Journal Asian Journal of Health
Volume 5
Issue January 2015
Pages 218-243
Publisher Liceo de Cagayan University
Abstract This study is aimed to identify the knowledge, attitude and practices on universal precautions of the staff nurses and midwives in the delivery room and at the NICU. This study was based on the Philosophy and Science of Caring of which it has four major concepts: human being, health, environment/society, and nursing. This study utilized the descriptive-correlational research design was used with 30 staff nurses and midwives. The data were presented and organized through the 4-point likert scale, frequency counts, percentages and weighted mean while the null hypothesis was tested through the Chi-square and Pearson-r. As an important set of guidelines designed to protect people from diseases spread by blood and certain body fluids, it is important that staff nurses practice universal precautions carefully and proficiently. High levels of knowledge, attitude, and practices or skills on universal precautions is important based on the findings of this study, these three factors are inter-related and can influence each other towards achieving an effective implementation of the said guidelines. It is still important for staff nurses' and midwives to continuously stay updated on current trends on infection control and to continue practicing their profession in the clinical setting since a longer duration of clinical experience can increase the nurses' levels of knowledge and skills on universal precautions as documented in this study.
Index terms / Keywords Knowledge, attitude, practices, universal precautions, delivery room, NICU, staff nurses and midwives
DOI doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.7828/ajoh.v5i1.786
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