
Buan, Amelia T. » Research » Scholarly articles

Title Teaching Newton's 3rd law of motion using learning by design approach
Authors Jiezel G. Aquino, Mariel P. Caliguid, Amelia T. Buan, Joy R. Magsayo and Myrna E. Lahoylahoy
Publication date 2018
Journal ISET AIP Conference Proceedings
Volume 1923
Issue 1
Publisher AIP
Abstract This paper presents the process and implementation of Learning by Design Approach in teaching Newton'脗聶s 3rd Law of Motion. A lesson activity from integrative STEM education was adapted, modified and enhanced through pilot testing. After revisions, the implementation was done to one class. The respondent脗聶s' prior knowledge was first assessed by a pretest. PPIT (present the scenario, plan, implement and test) was the framework followed in the implementation of Learning by Design. Worksheets were then utilized to measure their conceptual understanding and perception. A score guide was also used to evaluate the student脗聶s output. Paired t-test analysis showed that there is a significant difference in the pretest and posttest achievement scores. This implies that the performance of the students have improved during the implementation of the Learning by Design. The Analysis of variance also depicts that the low, average and high benefited in the Learning by Design approach. The results of this study suggests that Learning by Design is an effective approach in teaching Newton's 3rd Law of Motion and thus be used in a Science classroom.
Index terms / Keywords Learning by Design, Science Learning
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