
Jamil, Ferdinand P. » Research » Scholarly articles

Title On independent transversal dominating sets in graphs
Authors D. Sevilleno and F. Jamil
Publication date 2021
Journal European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
Volume 14
Issue 1
Pages 149-163
Publisher New York Business Global
Abstract A set $S subseteq V (G)$ is an independent transversal dominating set of a graph $G$ if $S$ is a dominating set of $G$ and intersects every maximum independent set of $G$. An independent transversal dominating set which is a total dominating set is an independent transversal total dominating set. The minimum cardinality $gamma_{it}(G)$ (resp. $gamma_{itt}(G)$) of an independent transversal dominating set (resp. independent transversal total dominating set) of $G$ is the independent transversal domination number (resp. independent transversal total domination number) of $G$. In this paper, we show that for every positive integers $a$ and $b$ with $5 le a le b le 2a - 2$, there exists a connected graph $G$ for which $gamma_{it}(G) = a$ and $gamma_{itt}(G) = b$. We also study these two concepts in graphs which are the join, corona or composition of graphs.
Index terms / Keywords independent transversal dominating set, independent transversal total dominating set, independent transversal domination number, independent transversal total domination number
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