
Teanco, Phyllis Marie S. » Research » Scholarly articles

Title An assessment of capacities and resources of the Manila Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office: Towards resiliency to disaster
Authors Teanco, Phyllis Marie
Publication date 2015
Conference International Conference on Public Organization
Volume 1
Issue 1
Abstract Keywords: disaster risk reduction, governance, resiliency, local government, Manila Local Government Units (LGUs) in the Philippines are on the frontlines of disaster management. The passage of the 2010 Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) law requires LGUs to craft DRRM action plans, assemble local DRRM offices (LDRRMO), and implement programs on disaster preparedness. Given this policy development, local governments and communities need to build their capacities on disaster risk reduction and management. This research assesses the local resources, and capacity opportunities of the City of Manila Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office in developing disaster preparedness programs and activities. It evaluates practices in local disaster preparedness, gaps in the implementation of the DRRM law and the nature of governance capacities to foster local disaster resiliency and mitigation. This paper addresses the following questions: [1] what are the organizational capacities, human resources, and technical capacities that LGUs need to foster local disaster preparedness; [2] what are the existing resources, opportunities, and practices that MDRRMO utilize and employ to meet the requirements of the DRRM law? [3]What are the costs and burdens that hinder MDRRMO from investing in disaster preparedness capacity building and how does it mitigate the costs of disaster preparedness capacity building? In the conduct of the study, City of Manila is purposively chosen for its propensity to be affected by natural disasters and high density of population. The researcher utilizes key informant interviews with the DRRMO staff of the City of Manila, the head of the Personnel Department, and the director of the DRRMO. The researcher employs a qualitative method approach in the analysis of the gathered data and documentary analysis of the DRRM plan. Results show that MDRRMO falls short of the minimum requirements set by R.A. 10121 in terms of staffing, organizational structure, and technical capacities of personnel. There are still many gaps that need to be addressed by the local government of Manila to be resilient to disaster.
DOI 10.13140/RG.2.2.23535.15525
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