
Silor, Adelfa C. » Research » Scholarly articles

Title Effectiveness of classical music as background in the story video comprehension strategy among students with multiple intelligence
Authors Silor, Adelfa
Publication date 2012/10
Journal International Journal of Information and Education Technology
Volume Vol. 2
Issue Vol. 2, No. 5, October 2012
Pages 4
Publisher IJIET 2012 Vol.2(5): 571-573 ISSN: 2010-3689
Abstract Music is the language of man芒聙聶s soul. It has an effect on the behavior and emotions of people of all ages. Music helps create a more positive school environment. Many students prefer to listen to music while studying because they believe it helps them to focus on their work. Hence, this study investigated the effectiveness of classical music as background in reading story video using headset in improving comprehension of students with multiple intelligence. In gathering the data, one section of the developmental reading class (Ed109A) who are diverse learners with multiple intelligence in the teacher education program served as the respondents. There were fifty (50) students took the two sets of comprehension test. First, they took the comprehension test as well as the multiple intelligence in the ICT laboratory using the video presentation with classical music background with headset. Another type of comprehension test was conducted through plain text printed in the paper. Students read the story and answered the comprehension test without background of classical music.
Index terms / Keywords Classical Music, Effectiveness, Multiple Intelligence, Video Comprehension Strategy
DOI DOI: 10.7763/IJIET.2012.V2.206
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