
Title Antibacterial Property OfHagonoy Leaves (Chromolaena Odorata)
Author CLAVERIA, Mayer Jan S., Rodel A. Oca帽a Jr., Aldwin Mark H. Balbosa
Research Category
Course CON

In these modern days of sophisticated medicine and the new way of producing various kinds of medicine, very few people do not believe in the value and effectiveness of herbal plants as s substitute to modern packaged and bottled pharmaceuticals. Thus, a study was made to reveal possible alternative source of antibiotics through the use of Hagonoy leaf (Chronolaena Odorata) extracts. Hagonoy plant is an invasive weed species and a herbaceous perennial that forms dense tangled bushes.

The study aims to determine the antibacterial activity of the Hagonoy against the test organisms, Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. And also the minimum inhibition concentrations of the hagonoy leaf extract which may be comparable to a standard antibiotic.

Samples of hagonoy leaves were collected, air dried for five days, cut into pieces and left stored in the refrigerator. It was then brought to the laboratory and pounded on the mortar and pestle. The macerated leaves were soaked in ethanol and placed in the water bath for four hours to hasten extraction. After which, it was filtered and evaporated to dryness in the rotary evaporator to reconstitute. Ethanol was then added to make a concentration of at least 100mg/ml.

The aqueous extract of hagonoy leaves were assayed with bacteria using S. aureus and E. coli. Filter paper disc method was employed and the zone of inhibitions was measured using a millimeter ruler to the extent of its activity.

The extract was compared to the standard, chloramphenicol, to determine significant findings. Serial dilution (1:1 ratio) was employed both on the extract and chloramphenicol to be able to know the minimum inhibition concentration (MIC).

Based on the results obtained, the researchers concluded that the hagonoy leaf has an antibacterial activity against gram positive and gram negative bacteria. And also there is a significant and chloramphenicol against the test organisms.

Moreover, the hagonoy leaf extract is comparable to the chloramphenicol but chloramphenicol is more potent than the hagonoy leaf extract.

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